This infrequently encountered race, although secretive, has been known to be mischievous
and playful, sometimes in an apparently malicious way. Banshees are tall and lithe with
flowing dark blue hair, and gaunt yet lively faces. Their large yellow cat-like eyes form
a prominant feature on their faces, contrasting with their dark blue lips concealing
dagger-like teeth. Their pallid, ghost-like skin has fooled many a traveller into
believing them to be the undead, their tattered loose clothing adding to the supernatural
effect. Although lacking in strength, many a foe has been overcome by their keening wail.
When cornered or caught unawares, the banshee may tear and scratch using its long,
talon-like fingernails. Their harsh high-pitched voices make them awkward
conversationalists, putting an end to many a dispute!