Basic information

What is Nanvaent?

Nanvaent is one of many Multi-User Dimensions (MUD). It's a virtual world in which you can create and control your character. It's a game and chat in one, but it's not a game that can be finished or won. You just play your character and become more skilled or help other players.

How to connect?

You can log in on the server at any time you want and how long you want (well, your phonebill may be a limitation). The host name is and the port number is 23 (telnet default). You will need a telnet emulation program, but you may prefer to use a special mud-client. These clients give you extra abilities such as aliases, triggers and paths. Two very good clients for Windows 95 are GMud and zMud. You'll need a registration code for zMud.

How to play?

Once you're connected and logged on, the fun begins. How do you become more skilled now? You will need experience points (xp) for that and the way to get xp depends on your guild. All guilds earn xp for killing non-player characters (npc). But for example thieves also get xp when they steal something, and clerics get xp for healing people. When you've collected enough xp you can advance one of your skills (and there are many skills).

How to move?

Many people find it hard to imagine the virtual world. Well, this world is BIG. You walk by entering directions (north, east, etc...). There are several towns to visit, but the main city of the world is located in the centre of the world, called Nanvaent City (how surprising). People gather in the main square of this city: wizards cast shields, clerics are healing and fighters fix stuff... A map of Nanvaent is shown below, drawn by the creator Tea (click it for a big, no REALLY big picture).
You can create "travel aliases" to make travelling over long distances easier and quicker. Just type alias cannon w;w;w;w;w;w;w and then use cannon to go 7 times west. This way you can create many long paths to different places.

What to do first?

When you create a new character, you will need to do several things. First of all it would be nice to join a guild. Most guilds can be found in the main city, just wander around. You can also change your race (one that fits the chosen guild) but that isn't necessary. Some commands you should know are:
QUIT - Save, quit and disconnect
SKILLS - Show your currect skill-levels
SC - Show short score (your shape and xp)
SCORE - Show long score (deaths, questpoints, age)
ALIAS - For example: alias gac get all from corpses
LOOK - Show room description and exits
WHO - Show who is online at the moment
TELL - Talk to one person: tell bozo How are you?
And if you have a problem you can read the help pages in the mud by typing help [subject] or ask other players for help. My characters are Dracula, Bozo, Bugs and Crossbow.

Download Gmud | Download Zmud
Guilds | Races | Skills | Paths

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